You walk up to your project, prepare to pull off the ground, and your last thought is...
Partner check
Any tips on commitment?
Here is an analysis conducted on the climbers of
Thoughts on top roping hard trad.
How to climb enough volume to reach 7A, without getting injured fingers
What are some of your mindset struggles in climbing?
Achievement unlocked
When the projects got you hard
Latest make: patchwork chalk bucket
Might have channeled my rage today
Oh the irony
I can't decide wether it's ugly or cute?
How do you buy trad gear?
I made a replica of my shoe out of clay
Showing up at crags alone
Lead fear outdoors
Summer times officially over
I Feel Embarrassed
Conversion - Top Rope Therapy
I almost fell on someone, kinda traumatized
Protein intake for largely vegetarian diet
Who’s listened to the Nugget ?
Looking for opinions on the inclusivity of climbing.
Climbing is Saving Me