Which situation?
Where is everyone from?
Dooku was a really good teacher!
What is the food a lot of people like that you don’t like?
Mojang on their way to kill every good part of the game
My experience
If you were born in Star Wars? What would you be?
What are some things that make an attractive person instantly unattractive?
That's why I'm here
Now this is padawan racing!
From the studio that brought you Tropic Thunder…
Too snippy Mace
Multiverse of Thanos
Who would you truly sacrifice your life for?
What do you think the hottest accents are?
What classic movie that everyone says is masterpiece have you not gotten around watching yet?
If you could spend a day mastering any skill, what would it be?
Yes, fight each other.
This is the farthest he’s ever been from Tatooine
The clone wars
Do men really find stretch marks on a woman’s body attractive?
What if another lockdown happens, what would you do differently?
What small things you would like to do for others if you have enough money?
You are in a movie and the world is ending. How would you prefer it to happen?
Whyyy wear shoes in the house? Like why?