Shawn + Alliyah If You See This — Get This Girl a Modeling Agent
It’s impossible that that many people are dying on couches everyday
What sketches do you quote to your pets?
Ya'll I cannot stop watching the Before Dorothy trio... Anyone else?
Is he serious?
What is your favorite of Tim's SNL skits and why is it Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Basketball?
Karen Culkin: "The audience doesn't know who's lines they are. If I say them first, they are MY lines."
Are the soles of her shoes filled with dice?
I figured out what this sub does.
David’s sister
Dave's sister
Is that a toupee you piece of shit????
mods: "I don't know what any of this shit is, and I'm scared."
I can't know how to hear anymore about executive orders.
Do other HR people find this as funny as I do?
Lauren’s Friend w/ Benefits made his own LIB headshot….
I just got paramount plus so I can watch this show because I found this subreddit
The prank is that there’s a real guy in here. That’s the real prank.
Who is your favorite actor that only shows up once and absolutely kills it?
Who got custody of Natalie’s rat when they divorced? 🤭
Dave & Lauren (do not click if you havent watched the new episodes).
What's a joke that you're convinced that only Matt and Trey couldcome up with?
The guy in the store said I’m the only one he’s ever seen pull it off.