What playing Invisible Woman feels like right now
If that's what they had to work with and that's what they made then this game is in good hands 😭🙏
So what's with the no-healer mentality going on?
Winter event forced wait???
We can all agree that Hawkeye needs a nerf, right?
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Need help with Kaleid Flux issue
How can people say that lumine is canon?
Getting Legendary Divinates for espers you don't own through GR shouldn't be a thing
Electro what is going on here
Tevor Divinate
Question about Orin and the kidnapping ordeal
Can somebody please explain?
Flowrunner Challenge
Esper reset?
Is Tevor a PvP esper now?
How do I beat this?
Platinum Records should guarantee a random Legendary
Why Dislyte Japan server flop so hard?
Alolin and Valeria skills
It’s crazy that some of the best espers for the hardest content are epic espers. These 5 plus sander, jiang man and Meredith should be first priority for new players.
Don't worry, I don't either.
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