What are the chances hppd or vss stays with me for the rest of my life
Can anyone relate
Little black dots swamming
New ravers really don't understand how much DANCING there used to be in the rave scene
Not sure if I have HPPD
18 [M4F] Gloucester-looking for someone older with experience 😉
Alcohol then pingers
Not rolling properly
MDMA after eating
The shakes
Hiding coke from police dogs
MDMA and 4-mmc
Sick on mdma come up
What is your best song for you on MDMA
Tweaking eyes
How to party on ket
I’m 15 and been abusing mdma ket acid mostly mdma and I now struggle with social skills
Empty stomach
Ket snus
Double drop with 300mg pingers
Will mdma mess with my brain
How to get the high back
By myself
How long dose 2-cb take to kick in ?
How long dose it take to kick in ?