V is for Very astute, Porcelain. That's a little nugget of wisdom I'd really like to jot down. W is for..?
What to buy…
Tell me a nome for these
Could use help naming this ship too
O is for “Ohh please, she has a family! She’s a mother!”😱🤰🏼P is for…?
Anyone care for one?
What’s one specific noise that makes you go nuts ?
What song from the original artist where you can’t unhear the glee version?
K is for “Kindly remove your fist from puppet Hummel’s butt and place him gingerly on the desk.” L is for? …
I'm having a glee themed party soon what should I include
What does my fridge say?
What songs have you been listening to lately?
Fuck the flat earth theory. It's actually a _____ earth.
J: “Just heard the news trouty mouth is back in town… Love Santana” K is for..
What do I put behind my desk in my office?
I is for “I didn’t send her to an active crackhouse.” J is for..
H is for.. Hi I’m Kurt Hummel and I’ll be auditioning for the role of kicker. I is for?
Just remembered some crucial lore about myself
Meet Fern
I have an interesting talent…
Why do we say “bless you” to sneezes but ignore coughs?
I wish I could be euthanized
H is for.. ? Write your favorite quote from the show starting with the letter H to be part of the glee alphabet!