Psychiatry-UK Regrets
Legit check please, thankyou in advance x
Is this “Britannia” parka real? Seller had lots of good reviews. Other items definitely legit.
Still feel like I’m strawberry blonde not blonde 🥲
Can someone explain complicated roundabouts to me like I am an alien.🥹
Why does my hair look orange in certain lighting?🥲
Payed £380
Absolute Robbery
[Rant] Someone yelled at me during my driving lesson- “you are never going to pass”.
Failed my practical driving test 4 times now.
Toned my recently bleached level 6.5ish hair with 6.7 Dark Blond Brown.
Just stripped 4 years worth of box dye out my hair, now need toning help 🥲
RH2TTDW101W Tabletop dishwasher troubleshooting
My face has never been so freckly I might have to start wearing SPF 🥲
5 weeks progress type 1 skin🫶🏻
Do we have to tan w MT 1 or MT 2 tho...
Is it any good yet compared to the BM?
Seeing no results :(
Concerned and can’t find any information anywhere online!
DPD driver, using photo from weeks ago, for “missed delivery” photo?!?
Has anyone’s DPD driver ever used an old photo for “missed delivery?