i tried finger coiling for the first time, my shoulder hurts.
I am in love with reading again thanks to a second hand kobo!!!!
By hurting my hand today I realized how endo scewed my perspective on pain
Just diagnosed with costochondritis and I'm confused, in pain and can't breathe or sleep
Blood test to diagnose endo
Tired after eating
I just slept for ~30h almost strait though after a flair up is this ok?
At what point do you decide to go to the emergency room for cramps/flair ups?
I just slept for ~30h almost strait through, is that ok?
What does natural auburn hair actually looks like?
Is my Libra 2 dead? 😭 It’s been stuck on this screen all night
Apocalypse Survival for Vegans?
Is my fermented sofa ok? (First ferment)
I feel like we don’t talk enough about how to manage inflammation.
I’ve had a birthmark on my tooth ever since it came in as a kid. My docs call it a tooth freckle!
Since it’s nearly 2025, how many periods have you had this year?
Looking for TV shows/podcasts that encourage slow living!
Period products are toxic?
My cat is absolutely tiny and I’m not sure if it’s normal?
Help identifying vinage Canadian levis?
Help understanding canadian levi date codes?
If you have food that triggers your endo, what is it?
reputable marimo retailers in canada
Thanksgiving but make it v/gf
I got diagnosed… now what?