Worst Song Ever
TLE days increasing
I’m just at a loss
Pentecostals have a “spirit” for everything.
We had just matched, no conversation yet. (Didn't notice fb reset my distance preference)
(Serious Question) What’s stopping the Air Force from just allowing male Airmen to have facial hair?
Wild sermons you have heard
"Saving" the world
Upci gossip girl blast
I needed to go back to work…
Whats all the fuss about Barksdale?
Did anyone get treated badly by the UPCI women?
What does life look like after leaving?
childhood friend who married the pastor’s son posted this. how how HOW is this real life?
Miraculous healing?
Do the “insiders” get anything from the church? Why are there so much?
What has been the most life-changing use of your Apple watch?
Apparently folks were coming for her in her scrub skirt promos. Cringe asf
I was pitied in the church because I’m ugly as fuck
Guys…Victor Jackson is suing the Florida district board and David Bernard. What for ? You guessed it, racism.
Victor Jackson has officially left the UPCI
Mother's Day Guilt