So my acoustic guitar had a little fall the other day. What do I do now?
If you could redo your whole life what are the top 5 events/situations you would change?
Tips for drying my first photoperiod.
What movie scared you the most as an adult?
How do deaf parents raise a blind kid?
What is the purpose of meditation and how to successfully do it?
Is there a way to see who blocked you on facebook, if so how?
Bartenders/restaurant workers what are some of strangest conversations you overheard?
Anyone else been having trouble sleeping lately? What is your solution to fall back asleep?
What are some good games/apps that help sharpen your brain?
Amish people of Reddit what’s it like to not have internet or power?
What is your favorite quote from Rick and Morty?
Bartenders of reddit how much food dye do you go through on Saint Patrick's day?
If you had to eliminate one person from your life, who would it be and how would you do it?
When will this goddamn pandemic end?
what's something you hate about cancel culture?
What's the strangest compliment you have gotten?
You are given $100 to buy one thing and have to return what you don’t spend. What are you buying?
What are some roommate horror stories?
What direction do you face while taking a shower?
What would you do if you woke up tomorrow back in elementary school?
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you choose to be??
What do you do for a living, if explained badly?
Men of Reditt,how far can you cum??
You're selected to be the first person to step foot on Mars. What will be your famous first words once you get there?