First Blood Ravens
Finally Finished My Kommandos Kill Team ! Waaagh!
My final Black Templar! Sword Brother to act as my Assault Intercessor Sergeant
From the japanese site.
is the trade worth it ?
Starting a new kitbash custom guard Kill Team
DIRECT. Motions de censure : l'entourage de Michel Barnier accuse le RN d'avoir refusé trois rencontres à Matignon avant le 49.3
Company heroes joining my force
A tribute to that got me into Warhammer in the first place, almost two decades ago.
First month into the Hobby.
The confusing design of the Blood Ravens
Is this normal?😀
Blood Raven Primaris Space Marine (+ paint recipe)
Blood Raven heraldry
“My faith, is my shield” 🩸🐦⬛
Question about "In Life, Shame" as a 0CP ploy for the Death Korps in KT24
Mork's Angels of Death
Is this a right amout of terrain
New Starter Set – Space Marines vs Plague Marines
First Vespid done.
Mechanicus Homebrew teams?
Waaagh! in Oktober (WIP)
Vespid warriors.
I've been using the colour cube to come up with scemes for my rogue trader team. Its been super fun and I've painted with colours and combinations I never would have otherwise!