My concept: The Crow - Guardian Angel
Say nice things about Scream 2022
If there was a reboot of Rocky who would you cast as Rocky?
Religion Mega Thread
What are your Guilty Pleasure Slasher Movies?
Pumpkin pie is not good
Terminator 2 is the 3rd best Terminator movie.
Invincible is just another shitty superhero show
Child free people are weird
What are your Hot Takes on the Scream Movies?
Carti hate is cringe
this album's so hard to listen ngl
Do you like pie?
when does a baby bat stop being a baby bat?
Got the Revoltech Jack and Sally figures! This is how they’ll be displayed
Who is this?
Have you guys murdered somebody?
Are there any Ghost fans that somehow justify themselves voting for MAGA?
What Custom figure would you like to see?
I never got into Shrek. I always thought it was lame and it look ugly
Being a teen in the USA right now is a hellscape.
Scream IV (2023) released on this day 2 years ago ! What’s your honest opinions on the film?
I just got into the whole custom figure thing and I need some advice
Heads will roll
15 and addicted.