i got my wisdom teeth pulled out on tuesday morning and i was wondering if it’s safe to smoke now they told me 48hours but i think now should be good no ?
What do people normally use as chaser for dawn dish soap?
How my neighbors “prune” the city owned street trees outside their houses…
Just remember one scene with a billiard ball in a sock
If you could know the absolute truth to one question, what would you ask?
Tier list of all the episodes [GET AS ANGRY AT MY PICKS AS YOU CAN]
If friction generates heat, how fast in tps (thrust per second) will I have to have sex in order to ignite my partner?
Isn’t the best place for a person with a penis to masterbate sitting on the toilet?
What do you think would be an easy and effective method to die?
Quit smoking last Friday, withdrawal is kicking my ass
I can’t seem to pull myself out of bed for work, at 5:30, but as soon as I call in sick I suddenly have no problem getting out of bed.
Baffling Question I Had Since 4th Grade
A Reddit PSA
What is the WEIRDEST DREAM you ever had??
I hate dumplings
Question on etiquette
What's the longest you've stayed awake
Love is just like a fart, if you need to force it, then it's probably shit
Anyone here quit smoking weed recently?
Is this physical balance or weight-related?
I don’t want to go to work tomorrow
If sexual intercourse was always painful/unenjoyable for both human men and women, would all people become celibate?
My carrot caught fire in the microwave
How are you all doing now? It’s been a while
WTW for being unlazy