Bit dark Jack...
Idk if this video is already there on the no context channel but here it is:
Becky should have her own channel called "BeckySucksAtCones"
Country's population Jack main 4 channels has to beat
59k likes, 58k dislikes 😔
This is 100% facts.
Come on Jack, JackSucksAtPopUpPirate deserves a new gradient at 195k.
Be prepared to post on JackSucksAtPopUpPirate Jack!!
The longest channel name on yt on shorts (computer)
Every Time Jack Laughed In His New Reddit Video
Drake meme (red diamond playbutton)
Is it just me or is christmas island shaped like a dog/cat??
Me: When aliens are conquering the world
Jack, how much money did Mini Muka earn till now and when is his second chance??
A challenge for Jack: