SOTD - 250121
Early morning shave 21012025
🌟Iconic Wetshaving Gems🌟
I am feeling a little disappointed with the Henson AL13 M after a few shaves, is there something wrong with my technique?
Need help for selecting a DE Razor.
⭐SOTD 18.01.25 – Saturday Evening Shave ⭐
Shave of the day, January 19, 2025.
Which soap should I have actually got .
Nemo' Wool Fat Receipe
BIC chrome platinum VS VI-John chrome platinum
Which would you skip?
Treated myself to the Muhle R41
Early morning amazing shaves 15012025 and 16012025
Boti Brush Snythetic-25MM Knot
My SotD - 250115
SOTA (14th January, 2025): Tobacco on the road to aggression
Ordered 2 Gillette 7’oClock Black…Got 20 :D
Parker 78r + Trigodon Brush + Kailash Shaving Soap
Never shaved before. What things do I need to buy?
VI-John Combo Pack: Worth It or Skip It?
SOTD: 14.01.2025
Permasharp Super