Why does State transfer tool not work?
Do the guards Swap dutites?
European 501st Legion Unit Map
Those poor confused Germans.
Looking for a message vault kind of thing.
New Up and coming Ottoman Empire group!
New Up and Coming Ottoman Empire Group!
New Roblox Ottoman Empire group!
A man that will live in virtue.
How to find games to join to play diplomacy online
What is a fun mod for a beginner?
Which task is easier: conquering all of Africa as South Africa or conquering all of Latin America as Brazil?
What is the best opener for Austria?
The Swiss Observer from the Spring of 1902 has been Published
A sham of a trial
Who wins?
From near defeat to the heart of Germany
Hosting a game.
Are you satisfied with your countrys focus tree?
Do you guys rp even when playing singleplayer?