Does anyone have any yt videos or guides for returning players? Havent played since 2021
I hope new LE SSERAFIM emotes have some music, old ones look so awkward.
How to counter Zarya except just "dont shoot bubbles"?
voiceline spammers and emoters
Who is the most successful hero from a Concept -> Execution/Implementation standpoint?
very dumb question - “dps”
I am done pretending
Why isn't comp solo queue only?
Those who got galactic skin, would you recommend it over gold? Or is it even remotely good?
What's one mythic skin you don't like/would like it to be different? For me it gotta be Cyber Demon genji
What the hell is this??
Very nice blizzard, what do you think do I queue?
I got it, first role queue plat (only been open queue)
For those who said open queue role isnt relevant
What do you think will I win my next game?
What would Chuck’s hypercharge be?
Legendary skins in normal Lootboxes
Returning player, any tips.
Hit plat for the first time, been hardstuck silver/gold for a long time
Does Overwatch now have more players than Ow1 had? Queue times are way shorter
Can we get an Adam Smasher Doomfist skin
We were hard losing comp and server closed for unexpected error? Does blizzard like me?
Blizzard, listen to us: Bring Back the Spirit of Overwatch 1!
Warning about opening Legendary Loot Boxes
Anyone elses game stuck on connection error?