Quand t'as rajouté un "s" à "r/femgarçon"
Repose en paix, règle n°6
Le plus dur, c'est de viser entre les fleurs (enfin réussi à poster ça après deux essais ='))
Le plus dur, c'est de pisser entre les fleurs
Freedom vs Being Free
fuck all people who call me sir
Would you press the button
First time out in public! 🥳🫶🏻
Almost 13 years with my girlfriend, and just over 1 year on HRT as myself 🖤
Has the majority of Christians lost their way?
French Republican calendar on Windows
I will write everyone's usernames on this paper and then color it with thier LGBTQ flags
need a name (masc only) :D
We should do this for all flags
Day 12 post bottom surgery, I'm up on my feet and up against the fascists! 😏✊
This just in
Bro found a loophole
What’s your username in emoji
I guess staying quiet will have to do
I’d look kind of passable if it wasn’t for my neck don’t you think?
Transman 👋🏻 my transition goals are something that would be drawn in Manga comics
Parfois je me sens aussi cocu que le Duc de Maine un beau matin de 1715
masc name ideas