Which should I invest in?
"Blow Action" Captain Toad on Cemu Emulator
Which Emulator is better? (RP4 Pro vs Odin Pro)
Can Mario Rainbow Stars run on Retroid P4Pro?
Super mario and the rainbow stars.. on rp4?
What is your favorite evidence for evolution?
Illustrating Baraminology 2: "Turtle Kinds"
Illustrating Baraminology: "Frog Kinds"
How to argue against the "common design" argument?
More on Mitochondrial Eve...
Let's play the "kind" game
"Natural selection may explain the survival of the fittest, but it cannot explain the arrival of the fittest" - Hugo de Vries
Evolutionists periodically post examples of things that they claim are poorly designed in the human body. Do they ever post examples of things that they think are incredibly well designed?
If a non-functioning object serves a function, does that make the object 'functional'?
Basic Steps to Denying Macroevolution
macroevolution vs microevolution?
"Micro Differences"... "Macro Differences"... What's The Difference??
Any examples of species A and C can both breed with species B but can’t breed with each other?
Evidence for Macroevolution: Pollinating and Grafting Compatibility in Plants
David Berlinski's Mystery 50K (Whale Evolution)
Discussion on morphological changes from land mammals to whales backfires spectacularly
What is the best macroevolution evidence we have?
Macroevolution vs Variation within "Kinds" - What's the difference really?