I feel very unattractive. I'm down 20 pounds. Girls never give me any attention or look at me in public. What can I do to improve looks , other than working out... which I'm doing
Alfy Marsden recently made fucking mushy ahh oreos in Home Economics classroom and Tajus Mudenas made some ass chocolate. Mrs Patton also screamed at Felix Dunlop and Calum Fusco about 17 different times. Mrs Patton also told Calum "language" about 5 times for literally no reason at all.
Rate my taxi skills
Do cmd prompts that work on windows 10 also work on windows 11?
From homeless and strung out (33) to sober and thriving (34)
Single dad of 2 little girls. At my lowest point in life. I feel completely worthless and unloveable, and every day I wake up feeling worse. Someone please help me feel better.
What Movie That Everyone Love Except For You?
Going to the barber later, should I keep the curls or buzz cut?
Gift To Myself
Got a new 100ml bottle of invictus on sale for 50% off at Superdrug
type “i did your____.” and let autocomplete finish the sentence
First time shooting sports - Feedback
There’s not that many other video game franchises that can release a game and still have people playing it 12 years later
What’s everyone’s favourite ghost song?
Which beard length suits me best?
Never understood why we didn't have actual phones in online mode
Keep getting rejected...
The clock at our local Chinese place
Get to walk ork
Turned 30 back in Aug. Unsure if I should keep the mustache & goatee.
Does anyone think that the servers won’t work for the first day or 2 because there will be so many people trying to play it at one time
If this dude breaks in your house what would you do?
What's your favorite movie car chase scene?