Day One Post-Op and Day Two Post-Op Updates
Today is the day!
What is the most majestic picture of your cat?
The day I find out my narcissistic mother passed away will be...
What Bloomington restaurant do you miss the most?
How do you all celebrate your Cake Day?
Here we are, another move-in week for the majority of students begins...
Last night, my nmother made contact for the first time since the night before Mother's Day sending my husband a Facebook friend request.
What was the worst present your nparent(s) gave you/your siblings during the holidays?
This Black Friday, I remember how my Christmas gift was never good enough for my nmother. Today, I am free.
This past Labor Day marked two years since I last talked to my narcissistic mother. At forty years of age, I am finally realizing that I am good enough.
When my nmother passes away, I am not sure how I am going to react. Have/do any of you felt/feel this way about your nparent(s)?
DAE remember a time when your nparent bumped into you on purpose, like a bully?
If you were not related to your nparent (in this case my nmother), you would not choose him/her to be your friend. <--This is what my AA sponsor shared with me recently. I wanted to share this with all of you.
I just saw my new address on the internet. How do I get rid of this?
Can you submit a marriage license without it being published in the newspaper?
Tomorrow is the anniversary of the straw that broke the camel's back.
My cat passed
Did your nparent(s) ever forget your age?
Nmothers always tell you what all they did for you, but never tell you what all they DIDN'T do for you.
DAE have blocks of time, especially during your childhood/teenage years, that you can't remember?
DAE experience anxiety on a daily basis because of a narcissistic parent?
DAE ever hear, "I love you, but I don't like you right now." from your nmothers?
I Made Some Obligatory Mother's Day Card For Not So Great Moms