Most emotional song you know ?
A question for the french fans
What's the coolest video of someone playing the guitar you've ever seen?
What are your guys’ favorite bass lines to listen to and also play?
My professors hate me
Lefty needing mid tier 8 string
Third Bass Suggestions?
What overdrive does Alexi use?
Moving overseas, how do I bring my basses ?
Je compte candidater à l'armée de l'air
My frist guitar and amp, Harley Benton R458BK Multiscale and Vox VT20X.
My current favorite bass. What’s yours?
Which bassist inspired you the most?
Lyrically dense songs, please!
What was your first metal show?
Jean-Michel Labadie 2024 Gear
Jean-Michel Labadie(Gojira) 2024 tour gear
How much money per month to live ?
What song has the best lyrics?
Should I go to a Carnifex concert ?
At what time does a hockey game in Centre Bell finish ?
Trying to get the Rickenbacker sound
Left handed bass players, how's it going?
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