Time to piss off the locals
HRT has not made me happy :(
Damn what the fuck how do I forget faster
Roomba has tasted freedom and won't be stopped
I don't understand what the first image is supposed to be. I know the second one is the blue aliens is it just because the blue paint fell through the hand? what's the message?
[Q] A cozy pile of fox!
Too real
She dreamed
Yummy Rule
Bucket headcanon
I… have cleavage
[Request] Is this true?
I can’t with being called “girlie” as a form of address anymore
[Request] What would be the volume of 60,000,000 pennies?
I can't wear shoes inside because they're dirty, but I won't get anything done if I don't wear shoes. So I bought chore shoes
"F. U. R. R. I. E. S act" bill would ban "non-human behavior" in Texas schools
Quick game
The reformer pilates really works! Giving me curves
(Semi) Blursed_Lego