Should I get a nose job? Worried it’s throwing my facial harmony off and considering getting rid of bump. Advice is appreciated!
Person throwing something off Ben White and South 1st overpass
What are the signs you've noticed that you're getting older?
If I could ever afford one, nose job?
If you could explain a reason why aliens steal cows, what would the reason be?
What does my boyfriend’s fridge say about him
What Does My Brothers Fridge Say ? 😂
What do you miss the most?
Day 6 of trying to get a comment from every US county!
What does my fridge say about me?
when did you had your worst acne breakout?
What's the nastiest thing you've ever tasted?
What was life like in the 90s?
What’s the worst business name you’ve ever seen?
What’s one thing that sucks about adulthood?
What would you do if you didn't receive a gift during Christmas?
Constant Negativity
Help me give this little boy a Sleep Token inspired name
What’s a decision you’ve made (good or bad) that has completely changed your life?
What’s something you can’t tolerate no matter how many times you encounter it?
What’s a myth you believed your whole life, only to be surprised when you found out it wasn’t true?
how well do you control your jealousy?
What are your biggest friendship red flags?
Scars are cool. What happened to you to get your first scar?
What’s the most disgusting thing you've ever had in your mouth?