Hug Your Dog For Me
Self Training Thoughts
You tell me… Thoughtful gift? Or Major dig?
Wahoo Kickr
Turned 31 and single last weekend, do I stay?
Advice for shopping for a concealed carry for wife?
Aero bars set up
Dad left me this
Colt Custom 1911 .38 Super
Out of country Ironman tips
Bike Mount
How much you pay in rent?
Running while carrying
[question] What are you wearing for turkey day?
Does anyone else do this?
Anyone else's appendix rig keep hitting their phone when they walk?
Any bars/places in McAllen where I can do this?
[Discussion] My 10 year old is into watches recently. We got him his first starter ($10 Walmart piece) but want to get a little nicer for Christmas. He likes my Sub. Suggestions?
First PC build after 15 years
Second Hand 3090
Think my CMOS just took out my glass
Need help deciding