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Is it worth waiting for Valve Index 2 or should I just buy the Q3 already?
Boston dynamics showing off how coordinated the new Atlas robot is
The moon rising over a wildfire-consumed hill in California creates an eerie sight.
Hikaru wins the American Cup and wins $90,000!
What is your go-to struggle meal?
What’s the biggest NSFW myth?
When was your first kiss?
I'm stuck at 100 Elo. Do you have any advice to help me reach 200?
If you're on the fence about buying a PS5 VR2, here are my honest thoughts
What’s something society romanticizes but is actually toxic as hell?
Can YOU see the draw for black
Esther loves her new toy. Bonus pictures of Lily
Where is the strangest place you have ever slept?
What is the best (legal) supplement for muscle growth?
Ronaldinho’s first ever goal at Camp Nou
Dezyred and interactiv Adult VR Game – The Review
Which celebrity gives you "I sold my soul to the devil" vibes?
What an average Chess player want in their life
Luke can’t seem to leave my fake flowers alone
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Pizza or pasta and why ?
Which sicilian to play at club level?
Girls out here
How did you overcome your Weight loss plateau?