Jimmy Carter turns 100 in 69 days. If Jimmy Carter lives until Inauguration Day and Kamala Harris is elected president, this will be the first time in US history that 6 former US Presidents were living concurrently.
Youtu*ers we've lost this year (Heil Spez)
NFTs Sellers Be Like
TIL Birds are able to see and use the Earth's Magnetic field to migrate due to a protein in their eyes called CRY4. To them the Earth's Magnetic field appears to be a bright haze in the sky in the direction of North or South. Their brain even produces this protein during the migration season.
What the fuck?
First developed in 1991, a webcam was pointed at the Trojan Room coffee pot in the Cambridge University Computer Science Department (initially operating over a local network instead of the web). The camera was finally switched off on August 22, 2001.
YouTube has begun to forcefully include unskippable ads that bypass adblockers (Even on my channel which isn't monetized)
How to build a PC
What do you think was the biggest turning point from 2000s to 2010s
What do you think about this
First acceptance
The actual size of an atom.
[Canada] Easily avoidable accident causes rollover
AIO to be suspicious my husband is cheating???
What’s one song that’s big right now and everyone likes it but it’s bad?
Something horrible I did when I was 10 years old and never forgot about
I Can Confirm We're In A Shift Now, 2025 is a Shift Year Already
What has been the biggest middle finger to fans in the history of tv shows?
Should I get this haircut if not what should I get
My unhinged ex-friend booked the same flight as me to “join” me on my solo trip
Which internship to choose?
Jane street job: realistic or not???
Adding insult to injury
Should I reach out to multiple people that work on a team at a company I want to work for?
What countries border on more than one place? (besides the ones in picture)