Shadows of Self Memes from my friend after finishing the book
The Circle (USA) S07E13 | Episode Discussion
Does anyone else wish they would do more games including photographs?
Stormlight 6 Release Date
How does everyone feel about the set?
Do people really talk like that?
The Circle (USA) S06E05 | Episode Discussion
The Circle (USA) S06E08 | Episode Discussion
The Circle (USA) S06E04 | Episode Discussion
Poll: Secret History - After Hero of Ages or After Bands of Mourning?
Somebody is probably dying
Which order of radiant are you, and do you agree with that?
Do you need to read the flashbacks in Way of Kings?
Opinions on follower only chat?
Me, after taking 1 dmg in the House of Hope
Eat it, dark eyes!
Thanks, I hate class system based on eye colour
Cosmere Elimination Game: No stamps could save this person from elimination. Vote for next elimination with link below
Need help with a name
Who in your opinion is the greatest antagonist BS has ever written?
Consistent streamers with 300-600 followers and 1-2 viewers… how?
What's something that non-Canadians don't understand about Canada/Canadians?
How would you guys rank the cosmere novels?
Do you answer private messages/DMs?
Larian is working on allowing players to edit their character’s appearance in Baldur’s Gate 3 after they already started the game