St. Louis attorney says city personnel director used city car to spy on her husband — she denies it
Does the mob still exist?
AITA Wanting to return broken record player my wife bought me for Christmas and purchase a different one?
Does 'The Devil You Know' count as a Sabbath album, even under 'Heaven and Hell' name?
How to navigate vasectomy/bislap issue with my 30m partner?
AIO for blocking him after he sent an unsolicited 🍆 pic
Simon Nemec sends a message to his GM
WIBTA if I don’t come to my friend’s wedding if she doesn’t come to mine?
men who stopped giving F, what tips would you give to youngsters?
Its an election year!
AITA for not letting my friends husband come to my Galentine’s party?
How many married guys are in a great relationship, love their wives and believe they are soulmates? How long have you been married? How many would never cheat on their wife? How certain are you that your wife wouldn't cheat?
What do men really mean when they say "DadBod"? Is this just the men's version of "Curvy?"
What To Tell Parents Who Think Metal is Satanic
Ken Daniels explodes on Patrick Kane
I need some honest truth and advice from male perspective about my relationship and I have no men in my life to ask
Anyone else’s street just straight ice right now?
Shots on goal are down, goal scoring is down, what is the main reason?
Big Thanks To Two Douches Today
This annoys me so bad!🙄
My gf told me she's pregnant but this test was negative when she took it in front of me. What should I do?
Is there a diner/greasy spoon type spot near Tower Grove park?
Think there will come a time when we see NHL players wearing Guardian caps?
Making Missouri proud
What do you REALLY want for Valentine's Day?