We Lost A Good Soldier Today.
Who do you think are some of the most overrated and underrated characters in the setting?
Rechter Podcast auf Platz 1 der Spotify Charts
Wie damit umgehen, dass scheinbar die Welt komplett Irre wird?
Regieren per Dekret: Dobrindt lobt Trumps Tempo als vorbildlich
500 votes. 500 votes are the reason why California is on fire
What are your Hot Takes on the Nu Metal Genre?
is this bridge the move?
petition to ban r/196 links
We know... it's over
DGG, it's been an honor
What is your ‘I did not care for the godfather.’ Album of Linkin Parks?
Trump Coin
Pirate software is a narcissist liar more proof found
Anon on zoomers moving to Xiaohongshu
Glaubt ihr von ElHotzo kommt noch mehr als "das Statement" auf X?
A Korean woman Ye-One Rhie candidating for German SPD Party. I think regional elections of Aachen.
Why are Dave Rubin and Tim Pool still allowed to show their faces in public?
Status von Österreich
Ist die FDP noch liberal? Die Freien Demokraten verraten ihre Ideale und schwächen Europa, sagt der Volt-Abgeordnete Damian Boeselager. Die Jungliberale Franziska Brandmann entgegnet: Nur ihre Partei setzt sich umfassend für Freiheit ein.
The last US election was like that fight between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker