I’m ready for the next update
H: Reflective W: Pin-Pointers
H: mega giveaway W: one lucky person to take it all
H: BOS Jumpsuit W: 3 Rejuvinators and 5 Rangers and ultracite 2mm offers
Found in a vendor for 150 caps, did I get lucky?
Full health, PA, VATS critical, and a pepper shaker -- a build, a choice.
H: Gatling Plasma Calibrated Capacitor Plan W: Pyromaniac Mod
H: 1 Runners mod W: 1 Sentinels Mod
Now this is what I call a RAID!
H: 2 Arms Keeper W: 2 Sentinels
Our little bros are fighting
Who’s winning this fight?
What will be the next 1* mod on armor for full health builds if they want to be a ghoul?
[Xb1] H mods W offers
H: Any of the pictured mods W: Endurance (Armor mods)
H: Durability, Lightweight, Two Shot, Vital, and unyielding. W: Endurance Mods offers (4 in total / armor)
Anyone who has played gleaming depths have insight on which heavy weapon my OE/Full health/PA user should take in?
H: Vintage water cooler plan + caps W: Breaks 50% slower mod
H: 5K scrap in vendor and no 1st W: caps @ 1per
Heavy weapons builds, what weapon would you chose for your one and only, that you trust your life to save you, with no ability to change.
New raid boss is pretty easy! It kinda just stays there...
The tesla cannon will be added in the next update!!!
Please… just please make the Gilded Railway Rifle Paint available again.
H: Powered Mod Box (can add one of vamp, OE, and AA) W: One Explosive Mod box