March 2025 FAQs and Errata Review
Laziest paint job ever seems to have come out okay!
Why are modern players not interested in dungeon crawls?
Kill Team too complicated for casual play?
Hopefully with the release of Mechanicus 2
Pathfinders need UP
Share Your 40K Workstation
State of the balance (poll)
confused about choosing Tac Ops
Still frustrated with this game... Krieg vs Marines
Should Kill Team be my first step into war gaming?
Is it important to have official terrain (Like volkus or that from the starter set) While playing kill team?
Killteam vs 40k?
Is there a non-heretic way to put a spell on my wife so she plays KT with me?
Does Klein Overrate Obama as a Movement Leader and President?
Cover Query
The Q1 Balance Dataslate Is Live
What type of dragon is this mini?
What are some other examples of stories that could be interpreted this way?
Would you fill out this 420 ft. long survey for a chance to be in an online D&D campaign? 😳
DnDBeyond Won’t let you unsubscribe (Elaborated in comments)
How do you guys stuff kongs? I've been trying frozen wet dog food with liver powder, but my dogs like dry food better when given choice.
I thought it was OP? but it only works on weapon attacks
Kairic Acolyte - Power OVER 9000!!!!!