The Math - Wind Energy is a False Solution
Colorado begins transmitting solar power using a freight train full of batteries.
Christmas Movies That Aren't Really Christmas
Sizewell C cost ‘has doubled since 2020 and could near £40bn: - UK Treasury expected to decide whether to support EDF-backed n'clear power plant in this year’s spending review
Funniest Hallmark movie?
Trying to find Gas Turbine specs
What is your list of the SUPER GOOD Hallmark Movies?
I got this question wrong in my Astronomy class quiz.
ELI5: Where does generated electricity go if no one is using it?
Online application timeline
Understanding electricity in the context of the grid
How does grid ops occur across the grid?
Lisa Hamilton Daly Is Out At Hallmark Media
Explaining electricity in the context of the power grid
US Steel: A Most Unusual Situation
Am I wrong or is wind energy a chimera?
How secure are the important substations
I'm afraid of my future in physics
What if Star Wars did a Hallmark movie?
Thank you all
If you could get Hallmark to change one thing...
Does Hallmark Never Show Guns?
If you are interested in comedy & mystery this movie is great. This movie had me laughing a lot.
Two Book Reviews