guys, i don't care if im going to start a war but what is the most overrated game?
How do you guys feel about killing animals in video games?
Yes let's
What group would you be apart of?
Do you refer to titans as 'it' or she/he?
Examples of anime that are NOT for kids
Make a picture based on my reddit username
Chang in every square! The promised Chang version of the template is here:
What have we learned
The Cannon Explanation How BT Survived
Favorite character you can't stop mentioning on this subreddit?
This ugly bald retarded prick is on death row what is your choice for death
If u could have any dinosaur as a pet and you get it as a hatchling. What would it be. Leave a picture cuz im too lazy.
when people swear in every sentence
Where do you all live in GTAO?
What gun has you like this? Me personally I like the R-101
Where in the Community community are you?
You can spend a nickel to make someone see one spider.
Give me your vehicle names and color schemes
i just finished TBBT. thank you for everything
Do you remember the first video game you ever played?
The Obey 9F Cabrio is officially the strongest car in GTA V. Withstood 13 hits from the train and keeps going.
Today i got my 3rd car from casino how many cars you got from casino
fuck the bye (sorry bye?)