If only MAGA knew what Facts are...But the Eggs...
How do we feel about Petroglyph potentially not being greenlit an Empire at War 2 because of this?
When you need a break from this horseshit game what do you play?
Is the Mandalay a good explorer?
I don't understand why reserve isn't a thing in ranked.
Please stop the "game is dead/dying"-posts. Since the initial drop-off, we've been pretty stable.
Huge shoutout to the merit miner tool! 150k Merits in 2 hauls
Inspired by Whose Line is it Anyway: Things you can say about video games that you can’t say about your partner
On a post about what the best wagon is
I was taking photos on my ride through LA and only saw this car when i looked through the photos later. What is this car?
What do you guys think of my starship?
Fix the matchmaking. This is almost as bad as Apex's
THANK YOU to the >1,000 blockaders of HIP 22460
Just too funny
blursed_ star wars
The photo that just got a Canadian nightclub owner suspended from X for being hateful
Embark NEEDS to add more powershift maps.
What’s your comfort show you’ve rewatched a million times?
Found on my jacket in Seattle, WA
french bagguettenology
Canada Lawmaker Suggests Letting 3 US States Join, Get Free Health Care
Finally made it out to Hutton!
Term Limits indeed!
Big fire just broke out in Los Angeles :(
Trump will start WW3
Who else is nerding out showcasing their fleet on Inara? I put a link to mine in the comments, please share yours if you have something to show off.