Is there a Ranked for Groups coming?
“Out of Mana” and the many meanings….
Is Mourn too tanky?
Team chat on console?
We need better itemization with less stat bloat
🌳 Feedback Friday: Update v1.3
Junglers - If you start on offlane side gank early and you get the kill but your offlaner dies....
Bug with the chat toggle on PS5 in draft
Tanks feel useless by now...
Have you tried to play support?
Steel glitch on ult
12th Day of Predmas Twitch Drop (Jan 5th)
Was haltet ihr von den Feuerwerks-Verbotszonen? Wird das zu restriktiv oder genügt es euch wenn die Sektkorken knallen?
1st Day of Predmas Twitch Drop (Dec 25th)
Your support is not your baby sitter.
Am I the only one who misses anti physical items mid?
Ich könnte kotzen
Lehrerin will Selfies mit Dr. Alice Weidel verhindern
Funny Looking Footprint
Welp, MM I guess - Petition to show Rank and degree in Lane Draft.
Abendessen im ev. Krankenhaus, Lippstadt
Can you just revert the chat back? I feel like this is a change nobody wanted/needed. You just give me more ways to be toxic and less ways to praise my team.
Can't upgrade winter pass
Karlsbad: Porsche fährt in Schaufenster eines Friseursalons
Thanks for the overhead emotes but why can't I emote when I'm dead?