Trump Announces Hostage-Ceasefire Deal - Not Even President Yet
7 days
Yo 🤣
Now that’s metal af. 🤘🏻🫡🇺🇸
This actually happened.
🤣 LoL
Oh… 🤣
I can’t wait 🤣
This one gets me every time.. 😅
This is great 🤣
I’m not crying you are!
Thank God
Beware Canada, it has begun.. You are next 🤣
As a legal immigrant unable to vote, how I feel donating 20$ twice to Trump’s campaign.
Reddit mods
Biden looks like he’s loving the trump victory.
“Hitler” receiving an award with Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali
LeSs PeOpLe VoTeD tHiS yEaR
This is hilarious 🤣
Guess who else endorsed Kamala at her rally.
This animal must never be elected
Trump played this at his recent PA rally in Scranton, dude is hilarious! 😂
Employment under Biden/Harris is bad