State of the Subreddit / Elon Musk
How an early career researcher (Asst. Professor) can find potential industry partners for their research?
What has been the biggest middle finger to fans in the history of tv shows?
An ADHDr wanting to understand: Why is ILY hard to say?
Stop talking about equity
you ever get one of those weeks where all your emails go unanswered?
Can you be diagnosed with autism if you have very high social skills?
What academic fields have high demand, but low supply?
Sad / Lonely / Just needing to chat
Hey Mods, a suggestion!
Sticky Survey/Research Post
If there was an autistic university what subject would you teach there (no topic too niche)
I'm dating my first boyfriend but I don't know how to act.
What would your dream coffee shop look like?
Most Hated Professions
Am I over reacting
How can a character betray someone?
is anyone else low masking but high IQ?
Should I shoot my shot with one of my clients who is twice my age ?
Romantic relationship with someone you are not physically attracted to ?
questionable editorial practices
Chalk talk when your handwriting is trash
I (28M) asked out one of the CrossFit coaches at my gym, got rejected, and now she's showing me attention.
Do y'all not like your hair?
Should I Apply for a Better Postdoc After Just 6 Months in My Current Postdoc Position?