Poziv za anketiranje povodom situacije.
We can be friends
How did Dorn survive being stabbed by the Pale Spear?
Jagodina broj ljudi, zna li se?
Would you like Yugoslavia back?
Da li može neko da mi razjasni trenutnu situaciju?
Do you prefer A or mythological hydra as the emblem of the legion
Imate li 15 sekundi da mi pomognete?
Да ли претерујем ако неког одбијем због политичких/друштвених ставова?
Who's prettier between rukia and nanao in TYBW?
I built my first table! 😁
Crazy how people are dickriding AOT who haven't even watched bleach telling AOT better than bleach
Guys which anime is better?
Determined Mother Doesn't Let Lack Of Arms Stop Her
Kako se pridobija podrska vojske?
Усамљеност и самоћа
Father's legacy
What’s a dangerous thing to say these days?
You’re the last person on earth, what’s the first thing you do?
Best quotes to summarize each legion?
Absolute Alliance Post Guild Slot Update Recruitment!
Confusion 100
Largest Elephant in the world ,8000 kg weight ,TANZANIA.
Teens volunteer to get pepper sprayed. Doesn't end well.
Moonlight Ninja Set
Such a great cape!