What are times you've been surprised to hear Weezer referenced in something, or surprised when you heard a song from them in a movie or game?
Pinkerton themed phone
Dad Rock?
what are you guys listening to today? :)
i know we all hate when this happens
You better find me
Im not actually 13
share ur fav lyric and what u think it means
Rank my 6 favorite MCR songs from your favourite to least favourite
What's a Green Day song that you love that everyone else seems to dislike?
if you could only steal one cd from my collection, which would it be?
I found another 715 no way
How Depressed are you based on what you're listening to?
Sensual,Steamy,Sultry songs
my collection!
who are you good sir?
Songs about not being the same person you used to be
What is the worst weezer song?
Looking for quirky upbeat song
The most prized of my grailz
What’s your favorite cd in my collection?
Which Song is This?
Give me electricity
Use this as a wallpaper?