A cool guide about on/in usage
Poznáte na kterých obrázcích je Alex z Mechanického pomeranče a na kterých upravený Jiří Schelinger?
Nevolejte, nepište
Character from villain group or evil race, who joined the good side.
Has so many fake identities that their real name isn't known
Žďár nad sázavou moment
The movie version of him is LEAGUES better
Who's winning this?
Who wins?
Vlhký sen každýho českýho fanouška Simpsonovích
Can anyone name those 3?
yay or nay
Insert link of most emotional, deep paintings that you've ever seen
My favorite episode: S5 E3
Ale když se tam i mluví česky, tak ty anglické titulky bývají otřesné
eastern, western or maybe central
Aliance proti rodině (každé nařčení od konzervativců je přiznání)
In Shrek (2001) donkey reveals that he is colour-blind. This explains why is he the only one not affraid of Shrek sice he only thinks Shrek is just a normal guy with strange ears
Every country have to be like Denmark
Turns out Robert Eggers is a pretty good filmmaker?
Gen Z Správa železnic
Movies with unsympathetic or bad people as the protagonist: Election, 1999
I knew it looked familiar
Writing of the show vs the books