AIO if I send these texts to her parents?
Leaving your partner for someone else is still cheating.
AIO GF used exs phone to text me
Ubisoft sta morendo perché ha dimenticato come essere umana.
“Le dimensioni contano?” Risposta sincera
Update awkward stage: Still awkward, but i learned a way to manage it a little bit and now I have a sort of Toji haircut from Jujutsu Maiden xD
My big beautiful nose I used to hate and fight against
Ho esagerato?
One criticism I will never understand is why people complain that the saga is too long and why they wish it would end. It is an anthology saga, each chapter tells its own story, there is no single plot that goes on by inertia, what is the problem?
I am 22 years old man and I have a deep desire to become a father. Before I was totally against it but from this year something changed. Is this normal?
I’m a woman in my 30s who has been practicing polyamory for 14 years. AMA
Me he cortado el pelo. (siguiente foto) No fue una buena idea.
Am I the only guy who showers and shampoos right after going to the barber?
Ho appena completato una missione secondaria in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 che inizia con Miles che ROMPE I COGLIONI a due poveri tizi che stanno sparando fuochi d'artificio perché non hanno il permesso comunale per farlo. Ma porca puttana, ma che cazzo li hanno fatti diventare sti due?
Do you guys like my side profile
OCD around penis size: Please help me
The party to celebrate an engagement is the wedding, and it doesn't make sense to have a separate engagement party.
My two cents: True, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey is full of "?", but the game does not assume that you have to do them all. Let me explain better:
I really wanna grow my hair but damn, that's the problem. They have no shape and gel or hair products doesn't really work good.
I think I've accepted that I will never find love
Gf send me a voice message about a celebrity she wants to have sex with.
Perché Assassin's Creed Shadows non è nelle nomination come gioco atteso del 2025?
I would like to platinum the game, and I was wondering: Is there an objective to complete all the collections. Are there any items that have rng?
My bf is a diagnosed psychopath. AMA
I am the person in charge of killing animals that will later be shipped to supermarkets and butcher shops. AMA