Jensen Huang and Lisa Su, CEOs of Nvidia and AMD respectively. Economic rivals, and first cousins.
What made you get into nursing? Is it a calling?
For those who used a computer between 1995 and 2001, what’s the computer game from that time that sticks with you the most, and why?
Mamak Street Food, Sydney
The renter anger is real. Someone has to be really pissed to write all this out.
Husband learned about my brother's sex life and now he's jealous. How do I (34F) give my husband (36M) more PDA and exciting sex when it makes me so uncomfortable?
Make me hungry Sydney: what’s a dish (& what restaurant) that u ABSOLUTELY LOVE/blows ur mind/can’t stop thinking about/would consider becoming a criminal for?
[Update] Nurses doing TikTok lives with patient’s newborn babies
Do men surprise their wives with random “just because” gifts?
Wedding dress regret
Meat pricing whinge
First person to be publicly caned for khalwat in Terengganu
Which director has got the best body of work, in your opinion.
RN vs EN
Weird brown fruit at Asian grocery store
NSW Police face fresh calls to be banned from Mardi Gras
Is tenant obliged to clean and tidy the property for open inspection?
Where are you guys buying your rice and rice cookers from?
Is it normal to not cry when finding the dress?
Who else hates seeing Kobis in their Nasi Goreng? It doesn't even add any flavor, so why bother adding them?!
Talk me out of this bag
Lightning strikes the water surface with Scuba divers under it
SMH Opinion: After living in Denmark, I’ve realised Australians are fashion slobs
Do unis get some sort of sick pleasure out of torturing us???