Face reveal!!!
What are you doing on a 14 year olds profile 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
My avatar is my average emotion
My school is blocking everything
How often to you poop?
What are the most important reasons you want to have children?
This sub is dead smh
has communism every worked?
Sorry if this is obvious but…
Joseph History is unbearable
Why do Mormons continue to sing the praises of Joseph Smith instead of God, now that they know he ‘married’ his followers wives and teenage daughters as young as 14?
Where do you see the church in 10 years?
Should I leave the church?
Do you know who can be wrong? A 100 year old senior citizen. (In a book made for children, this chapter was attempting to make a case for homophobia.)
What wild thing did your bishop/stake president say to you in an interview? I’ll go first.
There's a camera in my room. What should I do to get it removed?
Suggestions on what to do with my life
Beat emoticon out of these
How many times should a person shower per week?
News of 1 hr church now on east coast
What the Mormon Church expects me to believe
Americans, would you support a constitutional amendment that preserves rights for LGBTQ+ people, and if so, would it work or would it be like when people stopped African Americans from voting even after the 15th Amendment?
I may have some doubts…
Chat, am I an illusion?
how many languages do you speak?