Now Canada is finally free from the tyranny of Justin Trudeau!
As it should be
Shoutout to our boys in Pennsylvania
I just wanna keep my heat shield!
Minding your Business is LITERALLY Fascism
As the founding fathers intended. Engage aSsAuLt riFLeS
This one's one of my personal favorites
I make my return from a little unexpected break
Didn't expect this character to survive
Any idea why Tsu'tey is angry in this photo? (Wrong Answers only)
Found these the other day, figured I'd share them here
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year
It is almost that time of year
Gentlemen, I shall try and return to this subreddit as often as I can.
True men of culture only
Respect to this guy for posting Nonna in bikinis for 9 days in a row
Day 9 Of Our Bikini Nonna Addiction! Klara Makes a Comeback!
Nonna in a nice hat.
Now that's nice and wholesome
Not sure where this is from as I don't remember it from the manga but it's amazing and needs to be seen.
Nonna in the Blue Division Uniform.
To be blessed to hold these Soviet wonders
Nonna looking absolutely gorgeous as usual.
Nonna doing a sick handstand
The crossover we didn't know we needed
Saori's eyebrows are dangerous