Looking for stories with well done fighting scenes
What is the most well written chapter you've read?
Music Suggestions for Writing that get Emotions Running
Youtube completely broke after switching PC's
Skincare Nooby looking for some Routine Help
Pizza Places like Costco?
Its always what are the best novels, but what are the worst Novels you recommend?
Looking for Moody/Melancholic Music Recommendations
Music like "The Honored One" from JJK
How do I be more like Fang Yuan?
[REC] Novels Where World Doesn't Revolve Around MC
Your username is now why there is a 1 000 000$ bounty on you. Why are you wanted?
Any politics anime suggestions?
[Rec] Novels Above the Rest
If your username is somehow involved in your death, how are you dying ?
Turns out that there was no surprise...
Not disappointed in the slightest...
I wish I could go back 10 seconds in the past...
[oc] Beauty persevering despite all of the odds against it
Bliss. In order from mum’s head to tail: Friday (mum), Pigeon (greedy), Ladybird (smollest), Minnow (fighty), Bunny (FIGHTY), Mouse (noisy eater), and Ducky (wanderer)
When someone says “Washington” do you think of the state or the capital?
You can add one thing to, or improve one facet of, the human body. What would you do?
What’s the weirdest phone call or text message you’ve ever gotten?
People of reddit, what is the fastest way to win fight?
People of Reddit who have been using Reddit for 5+ years, what advice would you give to a newbie Redditor for a swift experience?