Introducing MyHeritage DNA Ethnicity Estimate v2.5
PIXEL ART JOBS - Hire a pixel artist, post your jobs here (paid only)
What's your type & career?
I’m content. Hep Alien is also an anagram of Helen Pai
MBTI zombie apocalypse team
Based on my colleagues and friends
Share your experience dating with an INTP
Infj, What MBTI is your parents and sibling(s)?
Personality types as some of my favourite movies
Mom who is your favorite?
Do people tend to avoid eye contact when talking to INFJs?
The most uncomfortable Friends episode
UPDATED: MBTI staying in the same house (thank you for everyone’s suggestions!!!)
INTP and the “nerd” stereotype
What MBTI type are you, and what types are your family members?
Help me fill this table
Luke Rants
This episode is epic 😂😂
Do you love your job?
Do IXXXs turn into EXXXs when with people they are comfortable with?
What if Rory and Dean worked out? Would he have proposed to her when they graduated like he did Lindsey? How would his timeline had changed.
What if Paris was right about valedictorians?