Even after renovating our home and decluttering , I still have intense trauma from my moms past hoarding . Uninvited -House guests spiral panic in me!
Would you date a closeted guy?
Who decided to use liquid absorber instead of paper towels for a spill on a sfs cart....
Long time lurker, can finally post my kitchen renovation. Let me know your thoughts!
Found this old picture of me with my bratz posters in 2005
Today I was told I was worthless and a loser for playing with my Barbies
Anyone else thinking, “F*ck it! I’ll just go be a nurse!”
Shoutout to the fellow Team Member calling out scalpers
More New Images of the wave 2 of Barbie Style Deluxe Dolls.🩷
JuSt gO tO tRaDeS
Recruiter said they are trying to approve an additional hire… is this a good sign?
Ghosted at an Interview
Does housekeeping in my home count as experience?
Disappointed and need support
Interviewed for dream job - getting called back and then ghosted TWICE (kinda long)
Bending rules for fellow Target employees
Do I HAVE to use Shapiro library for this ENG-190 research paper? Shapiro Library is kinda cheeks. Rather use Google
cheating or not
Feeling lost about guys
Is not declaring your disability a catfish?
How old is the child who wrote this note?
I’ve been screwing up on checklanes and didnt knoe for months
I binged almost 9k calories last night
New Style Flips line on the website