Sent a sexy message from my boss to a customer
I know quite a few Trump voters. Non of them are saying they regret it. I’m wondering if most of these posts are fake.
Can we ever trust America again?
What’s the nicest thing a random stranger has ever done for you?
Massive porn influx destroys my friends email account.
President Trump announces Executive Order coming next week to end paper straws: “BACK TO PLASTIC”
Have u guys experienced this??
Helen Mirren, 1970s
What prison cells look like in some countries.
Meanwhile, in Canada
What’s a type of pain people underestimate until they experience it for themselves?
Seriously, what better sequel is there than Terminator 2?
TRUE scary story from my childhood
Childhood house, reoccurring nightmares
All Canadian citizens have a right to a free portrait of The King and I requested mine.
Massive porn influx destroyed my friends email.
When your scammer appreciates toilet humor as much as you…
Help me with my picture book
Show me the B-hole
Hey y'all in your 40's: what are the physical changes you start to see in your body once you leave your 30's? What should we expect to experience physiologically as we get into our 4th decade?