Built an AI-powered K8s explorer because I was tired of kubectl grep-ing all day
So I hooked up LLMs with Go to make K8s less painful 🤘
Ask r/kubernetes: What are you working on this week?
I wrote a code line copying plugin for quickly sharing code with colleagues
What’s Your Go-To Terminal for Neovim? Share Your Setup!
KusionStack is now a CNCF sandbox project. Thanks for support!
KusionStack is now a CNCF sandbox project
Are you using MCP (Model Context Protocol)?
Show your current Go project repo and let’s connect
New to Kubernetes, where to start?
Where to find open source projects ??
Introduce yourself!
What are the cons of using neovim for coding?
Building something cool? Let's share notes & help each other level up 🛠️
What should I use for the frontend of my Golang web app?
Do I really need Helm?
What’s your Kubernetes developer setup?
just sharing some thoughts on having a side project...